Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Today I am a Woman

My mother called from the mall asking if I could make turkey.
“If it doesn’t make you too nauseated, there are two packages of turkey legs in the fridge, could you make one?” she said.
The thought made me sick, but since I’m working on my selfishness, I went downstairs and took the turkey out of the fridge. I put gloves on and cut the package open. I put the three drumsticks in a pan and put the gloves into the sink. After sprinkling the turkey with garlic powder and pouring duck sauce over them, I covered the tin with silverfoil and put it into the oven.
I’ve cut chicken and meat on Yachad shabbatonim in the past. But I’ve never dealt with raw dead animals before. I can’t even buy the stuff because that section in grocery stores makes me feel sick. Sad, I know. But today, I made food I’d never go near because it’s about time I grow up.

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