Wednesday, March 16, 2005


Allow me just a moment to relay how much luck I had today with regard to parking. I left home this morning at about 8:20...twenty minutes later than I had intended. With morning traffic, I like insuring myself that I get to Hunter at around 9:30/9:45ish when I drive so that I can get a spot before the 10am legitimate parking starts. I turned left onto Lexington at 9:59 and at exactly ten o'clock on the dot, I pulled into the only spot left in front of school--smack in front of Thomas Hunter. Once inside school, I counted my quarters and found that I had exactly enough to last me the day (a miracle in itself). Then, when I went out to put money in my meter for the 1 o'clock hour, I noticed that the meter in the spot in front of mine was broken. There was a car parked there, so it made no difference to me. BUT as I was filling up my meter for the 3 o'clock hour, the car in front of mine pulled out! Luckily, I ran out to fill the meter while in middle of flyering for an event next week, so I had my keys in my pocket (I carried them around in case the Hillel room would be closed when I got back) and pulled my car up so that I wouldn't have to run out of school every hour!
As if that wasn't enough, I went to the gym at 6:30pm today instead of around 8:00pm like usual. The gym I go to is at the mall, so it's tough finding a spot that early. I, however, didn't even have to look for a spot because there was a vacancy in the third spot in the row right in front of the gym entrance!
I had the force today, I tell you.

1 original thoughts out there

Blogger BrownsvilleGirl said...

Well, I certainly know now that you told me SIX TIMES!

Wednesday, March 16, 2005 11:39:00 PM  

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