It was After a Long Shabbat of Being Stuck in the House
We were sitting at the last stop before going onto the highway a full five minutes before I leaned over to ask the driver how much longer we’d be there.
“Why? You wanna go shopping?”
“Um, no. I have to meet someone at a certain time in the city.”
“And do you think we’ll get there in time?”
“I should hope so; it is your job.”
“Well, we’ll see.”
“Why are we waiting here?”
“We’re waiting for people from another bus to come onto ours.”
I sat back in my seat and the girl next to me looked at me in shock.
“I can’t believe that for $9 he gave you attitude.”
I didn’t bother telling her that since I was only going to the city and I had a ticket, it was $6.50. I also didn’t tell her that it's no phenomenon to be treated that way by bus drivers for this company. I just nodded, put on my earphones, and reminded myself why I started driving to school.
“Why? You wanna go shopping?”
“Um, no. I have to meet someone at a certain time in the city.”
“And do you think we’ll get there in time?”
“I should hope so; it is your job.”
“Well, we’ll see.”
“Why are we waiting here?”
“We’re waiting for people from another bus to come onto ours.”
I sat back in my seat and the girl next to me looked at me in shock.
“I can’t believe that for $9 he gave you attitude.”
I didn’t bother telling her that since I was only going to the city and I had a ticket, it was $6.50. I also didn’t tell her that it's no phenomenon to be treated that way by bus drivers for this company. I just nodded, put on my earphones, and reminded myself why I started driving to school.
Ready for the shocker? This wasn't a public bus. It's not a NY City thing, it's just a plain ol'obnoxious thing.
tomsey mours
What was that Anonymous?
Doni and I decided Monseybus should have a complaint department because their drivers are so &*%* obnoxious. There's this one dude who totally ignores any questions you ask him, including whether or not he makes certain stops, and when you ask enough times he lets you know that "you already know the answer." Another one wouldn't answer a lady whether or not she had enough time to get a drink before he would start the route, then he sat at that same stop for a full ten minutes before he started the route. As soon as the bus started rolling, he turned around and said to her "if it's a 4:30 bus, then I leave at 4:30, got it?" The sad thing is they really don't care because the other options of getting into the city are extremely limitted. I could go on, but this post is just making me lasznkv.
Take the Rockland Trails bus to the Port Authority. Its cheaper and faster. There's no shower curtain in the aisle, but other than that its sqoqn awesome.
Awesome Mir, just awesome.
And Ian, the Red and Tan is about 3,000x less convenient.
the red and tan is just as expennsive, too and it takes over an hour to get into the city with 4 villion stops along the way. then you need two trains to get to school (instaed of one), not to mention you have to pay to leave your car at the bus stop and the busstop is also 20 minutes yeah, monseybus is the only option, really.
P.S. I decided not to include the time a monseybus driver told me he was drinking and held up the bottle to prove it. I figured noone would believe me.
and what the zpblwdzw is with these word verifications? they seem to bve getting longer and longer.