Saturday, January 20, 2007

'Til the Wheels Fall Off and Burn

Tomorrow will be a high of 20*, Monday will be 23*, and Tuesday will be 35* up in Vermont. And I care because tomorrow, I'm heading up there for a three day skiing trip. Also, my brother brought his science book home for winterbreak to do some recreational reading. He decided he wants to be a cardiologist. When I was his age, I thought I'd be living in an apt. in the city by the time I was 18. I never really thought about what I'd be doing, but I knew that I'd always wear cream colored suits with pearls and my hair loosely in a bun near my neck. I also never thought of myself as having curves or any bit of mushiness on my body. The apt. would be my own as well--with expansive shiny wood floors and marble columns. And eventually, I'd marry the president of Citibank. It's funny, actually, because aside from none of that resembling the truth in any way at all, I've always been baby obsessed and yet, in my image of me from the future, everything was always spotless and quiet. Oh boy.

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