Quotes of the Day
On Denial
"I'm so blinded by your coolness that I think you could never be a vegitarian so when you tell me you are, I dismiss it."
On Why Drinking and Math Doesn't Mix
"I had six beers. First I had two, then another two, then another two, and another two."
"I'm so blinded by your coolness that I think you could never be a vegitarian so when you tell me you are, I dismiss it."
On Why Drinking and Math Doesn't Mix
"I had six beers. First I had two, then another two, then another two, and another two."
someone had two, too many beers... and i had one too many margaritas.
someone else is offering to be helpful.
Doni, 2+2+2+2=8 not 6.
If mr. sam adams and mr. miller are not being helpful, may I recommend mr. budwiser. hahhahahhaha.
Helen-the hot pink princess
Oh wow, Helen. You commented on my jewfood! Welcome.