Friday, March 03, 2006

Since When are Jews Discriminated Against at Banks?

I stepped up to the bank teller's window and slipped a ten under the glass.
"Can I have a roll of quarters, please?"
She looked at me standing across from her in Newcombe's oversized Magen David Adom jacket (which I had borrowed because it was hooded), and asked if I was a customer of that bank.
"Are you lying?"

2 original thoughts out there

Blogger Mesiach said...

actually banks are supposed to by some kind of law give everyone quarters when they come with bills... You dont have to be a had to do with coins being better for the economy because people want to use them more and not carry them unlike bills... so next time she asks you that...ask her if she enjoys her job cuz the next time she opens her mouth she won't have it (the job) anymore...

so says steve...

Friday, March 03, 2006 11:34:00 PM  
Blogger null said...

The other day I went into the bank and tried to withdraw a hundred dollars so I could buy a book for class. The teller refused on the basis that I didn't have that much money in my account....
...F%$^ing anti-semitic bitch

Sunday, March 05, 2006 10:27:00 PM  

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