Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I'm Still Looking for the Fourth Book

There's a frum guy who works behind the counter at the music store. I don't know who he is, but he looked familiar to me. When I went to the desk, he said, "Trutinsky?" as though that were my name. I was confused, so I said, "what?" He repeated what he had said.
"Oh," I said in response. Then I filled him in on what my last name actually is (phonetically similar, but not quite the same).
"Yeah!" he said, "How are you?"
"Good. I need a couple of books, I'm figuring they're in the store a door down--you moved that section?"
"Okay, great." I walked toward the door.
"Nice seeing you again."
I have a habit of getting thrown off when I'm confused and didn't even realize until after I had left that I never asked what his name was. I also acted rude. That was by mistake. Just know that when I get thrown off I'm not in my element.

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