Quotes of the Day
From the Love of My Life...
"Look: you're gonna get married in the next couple of years; I gotta relieve some of the sexual tension between us the best I can as fast as I can."
Possible Reasons for Unemployment (just sayin'...)
"My resume would be like: ate a lot of food."
"Look: you're gonna get married in the next couple of years; I gotta relieve some of the sexual tension between us the best I can as fast as I can."
Possible Reasons for Unemployment (just sayin'...)
"My resume would be like: ate a lot of food."
Steve! You can't marry Dina and I! That's polygamy and illegal in New York! Besides, we have a child together! What would poor little Dima do? He might turn to drugs!
Oh, don't worry Tovs, he doesn't want to marry me. He just feels the need to defend his advances and dirty talk.